
Finance management in a global market

Written by Natasha Cuparic | March 29, 2016

The world of BPS is expanding, with client wins taking us to all corners of the globe ranging from Brazil to Czech Republic and Singapore to name a few.

As the Financial Controller it is my responsibly to ensure that our financial processes are compliant to support this exciting international growth.

Volume of transactions has increased, number of contractors in Asia and Europe is growing and so is our exposure to foreign currencies. Navigating through the world of exchange rates is interesting, sometimes challenging. We typically deal with multiple currencies and the natural fluctuations which have an impact on cash flow projection and its management.

One of the greatest minds of humankind once said: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. Following simplicity, logic, honesty and being practical, sensible and commercially focused is giving our finance team enough tools to run the function that can deal with various issues across the borders, cultures and languages.

Our aim is to manage client relationships successfully, work with the BPS World management team on maximising the value of our company and produce quality management reporting to support strategic planning and further growth.

For further information please contact Natasha Cuparic on 01628 857 335 or