
How can building a brand help you attract the right talent?

Written by Natalie Spearing | December 13, 2016

Your brand doesn’t just refer to your colour scheme, the logo you use or how you merchandise. Your brand is you and what you represent.

People buy from those they trust, so it’s important to take the time to build your brand properly, allowing you to emotionally connect with your audience.

I have recently teamed up with First Voice and Glassdoors’ UK Country Manager, David Whitby to explore the power behind building a brand and what effect this can have on your recruitment. In recent years, social media has created a sharing culture that allows us to communicate 1 to 1 with our customers and in turn lets them feel closer to their favourite brands. With this in mind, it’s even more crucial for business’s to establish their brand and who they are.

To download my presentation please click here, or to watch the full webinar, including both mine and David’s views on the power of employer branding click here.