/ How do you build a "one team" culture?

Kelly Laine
November 6, 2017
Building a "one team" culture for any organisation is a challenge. We know that as a business the one team approach will work and we can use each other’s strengths to win.
As the saying goes: “The difference between success and failure is a great team” and BPS World certainly have that.
Motivating teams to work well together is a difficult task for most leaders. The key is in understanding how to form teams and then facilitate them to work collaboratively, to utilise team member’s strengths and communicate these regularly and efficiently. The foundation is to build commitment to common goals, as well as manage performance and working relationships.
Most of us in the workplace will work in a team not many of us know how to make teams work. We naturally form teams to achieve goals together that we couldn’t do alone, yet working well together doesn’t come so naturally. This is where teamb uilding comes in. It has a proven track record as a tool to enhance team performance.
"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." -Phil Jackson.
Here is how BPS World work as one team:
Visible leadership: commitment to the goal starts at the top. It is the role of the leader of each team to get together and demonstrate a commitment to collaboration.
Culture: Be ready to embrace features from all members. Bring together elements of culture from each team and use them to build strength.
Organisation: Create together the A-Team. A collaborative working environment needs to break down boundaries and encourage individuals to not only work to their strengths but accept being the best person suited for a job rather than avoiding the hard tasks.
Performance: Make collaboration an objective. One important area for joint decision-making by the leadership team is setting performance objectives. Making collaboration part of the performance measurement system requires cascading performance objectives from the top down, making
Commercial & Procurement: Winning contracts can advance the one-team approach. The commercial aspects of a collaborative organisation: You win together, or you lose together.
Achieving collaboration has two big benefits:
1: It instils confidence in the delivery. There is a singular sense of truth, a single goal, and everyone is working towards it in a consistent manner. Information is shared more freely, and more help is at hand.
2: It is a route to higher productivity; people work more effectively together. The one-team approach helps embed a collaborative culture into the business so seamlessly, you'll forget you ever worked in a different way.
Does your organisation have a “one team” culture?
For more information on the subject please contact Kelly Laine on 01628 857343 or kelly.laine@bps-world.com