/ Are we born leaders?

Richard Jeffery
September 4, 2017
Are people really born leaders? Some of us will argue they are… Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs and Sir Alex Ferguson to name a few are often referred to as this term within their respective fields.
This will always be somewhat subjective however personally, I believe that leadership qualities can be learned and nurtured.There are still some views that the success of a team is down to one person (typically the Manager), yet leadership cannot be down to one individual or one role. It is important we seek leadership opportunities for people in our team and enable them to take the initiative where appropriate.People aspiring to be leaders need to be empowered. Like us, they are driven individuals who thrive off responsibility and it is up to ourselves to ensure their potential is fulfilled and that their capabilities are utilised.
So… how do we do this?
We must recognise leadership behaviours, both big and small such as, when you see praise being given for someone doing a good job. We should encourage additional learning such as Leadership and Management courses and be willing to delegate certain tasks when appropriate. We must ensure we set challenging goals, new initiatives and performance standards. Sometimes setting benchmarks which are on the tipping point of being just out of reach but are no means impossible are key to maintaining engagement.
As people’s confidence grows, three key things will follow; there will be an increase in productivity, you will become more profitable and inevitably your business will flourish. A team of empowered, aspiring leaders is inevitably far more lucrative than a team following one.
If you would like to discuss any of the points riased in this blog please contact Richard Jeffery - richard.jeffery@bps-world.com