Our World / Why is customer experience important?

Nicholas Connell
June 6, 2016
On a recent business trip to Singapore I had an experience which has stuck in my mind and I have felt the need to share this. This experience was Singapore airport.
The plane touched down at 4.30pm exactly and we were at the gate almost immediately. The plane emptied quickly, there was no queue at passport control and our bags were on the carousel when we approached it. We walked out of the airport and hopped in a taxi. As the taxi pulled away from the airport the time was 4.55pm. I even took the time to complete a customer service questionnaire on the way out.
The words I would use to describe this experience are; streamlined, organised, planned and practised. The airport has clearly taken time to understand what their customers, the passengers, wants and needs are and they have committed to delivering this. The result is an excellent experience I would want to repeat and more importantly have recounted to people numerous times.
This is a customer experience that, I assume, all business would like to achieve and none more so than BPS World who consistently strive for excellence through the steps of the recruitment process. BPS World want to create an experience for our clients and candidates that will externalise our core values; commitment, delivery, excellence and passion. We want to offer people a streamlined, planned and practised experience, one which our customers want to share with others. We believe that by taking the time to understand what our customers want and need we are in a position to offer them a quality of service. It is this excellent standard of service that will make them want to return and to share their positive experience with others.
Recently, one of our customers was implementing a specific, niche functionality of SAP but they were unable to find anyone locally to deliver this. BPS World were asked to help with this issue. By understanding the recruitment needs of our customer I understood that English language, specific technical skills and the ability to start immediately were the priority. In this case, using passion and commitment I networked through my connections and found a contractor who could deliver this piece of work. I briefed him on the project, flew him to Jakarta, arranged his visa and booked his hotel accommodation. I then arranged for one of our contractors to meet him at the airport on arrival to take him to his hotel. Later, he described the whole experience of working with BPS World as “excellent” without consciously knowing this is one of our core values.
Do you have any positive customer experiences to share? Please feel free to leave your comments below or contact Nicholas Connell on 01628 857339 or nicholas.connell@bps-world.com