3 mins read

Is visa free travel the way forward?
Visa free entry is not a new concept, in fact before World War I Western Europe did not require any passports or visa to travel between countries.
By Kris Simpson on September 7, 2017
3 mins read
Visa free entry is not a new concept, in fact before World War I Western Europe did not require any passports or visa to travel between countries.
By Kris Simpson on September 7, 2017
1 mins read
Understanding which visa you need and how to complete the forms correctly, is one of the biggest challenges when you want to move to another country.
By Kris Simpson on August 10, 2017
2 mins read
There can be a degree of uncertainty when on-boarding new employees and appropriate checks need to be conducted, education, job history and criminal checks.
By Kris Simpson on August 3, 2017
1 mins read
Payroll. A small word with a big responsibility. All global organisations have a payroll challenge; some manage it internally while others outsource it.
By Kris Simpson on July 26, 2017
1 mins read
Relocation involves planning and organisation and it is important to be mindful of how stressful relocating can be for the employee and the organisation.
By Kris Simpson on July 20, 2017
2 mins read
Today’s global business market is rapidly growing. Start-ups are finding it easier to trade on a global stage and the era of technology is fully upon us.
By Kris Simpson on July 10, 2017